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作者:未知  来源:国际在线   更新:2007-3-1 20:04:50  点击:  切换到繁體中文


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      A home computer conducts health checks and dispenses advice on the medications needed. Electric-powered vehicles glide on the streets and automatically avoid obstacles. Meanwhile, a talking robot completes household chores. This is part of what a government study group envisions for the average family in Japan in 2025.


  Innovation 25 Strategy Council described in an interim report how Japanese will be living two decades from now based on advances in a wide range of technologies.


  The Innovation 25 Strategy Council's report featured the Inobe family: 77-year-old grandfather Ichiro; 74-year-old grandmother Masako, 50-year-old father Naoyuki; 51-year-old mother Yumiko; 22-year-old son and a university student Daiki; and 17-year-old daughter and a high school student Misaki.

  The family also owns a 5-year-old robot called Inobee.


  After waking up, Ichiro and Masako check their medical conditions. If anything is wrong, a computer gives specific instructions. Ichiro goes to a local high school on an electric-powered bicycle to teach younger people about craftsmanship. Masako, who has Alzheimer's disease, is in good condition because of new drugs for the ailment. She walks to a flower arrangement class. At home, the talking robot Inobee cleans up and performs other chores. In the evening, Yumiko, who telecommutes, listens to Inobee's report on the tasks. The family members then gather in the living room where they can watch Misaki, who is studying in Beijing, on the 103-inch TV display.


  The report gives examples of 20 prospective technologies for such a lifestyle, including oral capsules for medical checkups, vehicles that run on carbon dioxide and those that avoid crashes and collisions.(IHT/Asahi: February 28,2007)



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