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作者:佚名  来源:元器件交易网   更新:2013-5-13 16:19:03  点击:  切换到繁體中文


元器件交易网讯 5月13日消息,据外媒报道,松下期望今年电视业务部门亏损从上一年的885亿日元收窄至340亿日元。

元器件交易网讯 5月13日消息,据外媒报道,松下期望今年电视业务部门亏损从上一年的885亿日元收窄至340亿日元。

在瑞士第二大银行瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse Group AG)分析师估计日元贬值可能为松下增加300亿日元(约2.94美元)的收入后,松下公司股价过去的三个月在东京交易中一路飙升。



松下总裁津贺一宏(Kazuhiro Tsuga)称未来两年计划投入2500亿日元用于重组,自2011年,这一费用已增至1.1万亿日元。

松下在过去的两个财年中亏损已超过1.5万亿日元,在全球电视机市场远远落后于韩国的三星电子和lG电子。(元器件交易网刘光明 编译)


Panasonic Rises as Sliding Yen Set to Boost Profit

Panasonic Corp (6752) surged the most in three months in Tokyo trading after an analyst at Credit Suisse Group AG estimated declines in the Japanese currency may add as much as 30 billion yen ($294 million) to earnings this year.

Panasonic last week forecast net income of 50 billion yen in the 12 months ending March, compared with a loss of 754 billion yen a year earlier, as the maker of Lumix cameras restructures to revive profit from TVs and semiconductors.

Sony Corp (6758), Japan"s biggest TV maker, rose as much as 6.8 percent while Sharp Corp, the third-largest, jumped as much as 16 percent.

Panasonic President Kazuhiro Tsuga plans to spend 250 billion yen on restructuring during the next two years, adding to the 1.1 trillion yen spent since 2011. Full-year operating profit for the maker of Viera televisions will rise 55 percent to 250 billion yen, it said May 10.

The company expects its television losses to narrow to 34 billion yen this year from a loss of 88.5 billion yen.

Panasonic, which has lost more than 1.5 trillion yen in the past two fiscal years, fell further behind South Korea"s Samsung Electronics Co and LG Electronics Inc (066570) in the global TV market in 2012.


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