机器人想要取代人类?怕是还要再等等了…… 在日本这个机器人比较发达的国家,按理说机器人的待遇应该很不错吧? 然鹅,万万没想到…… Via 华尔街日报 Via The Verge Japan’s Henn-na “Strange” Hotel has laid off half its 243 robots after they created more problems than they could solve. 日本一家“怪异”Hen-na Hotel(変なホテル)解雇了243个机器人(工作人员)中的半数机器人,原因是这些机器人制造的麻烦比他们解决的问题还多。 Via The Verge 这些“惹事精”机器人还没在行业内站稳脚跟,就被炒了鱿鱼…… 看来,这年头机器人的就业压力也不小啊! 据悉,Henn-na Hotel的第一家门店开在长崎豪斯登堡主题公园,之后在日本多地共开设了8个门店,最多时共有243个机器人工作人员。 不过他们到底惹了什么麻烦会被开除呢?让我们一起来看一看。 首先是这位长得还算萌萌的Churi ~ One of the layoffs included a doll-shaped assistant in each hotel room called Churi. Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa can answer questions about local businesses’ opening and closing times, but Churi couldn’t.When hotel guests asked Churi “What time does the theme park open?” it didn’t have a good answer. 其中一项裁员计划包括了每个酒店房间内的一个玩偶类小助手Churi。然而它并不像Siri、Google Assistant和Alexa一样能够回答当地企业开业和关门的时间。当酒店住客问它“主题公园什么时候开门?”她并不能正确的回答。 Via The Verge Churi真是以身试法:卖萌当不了饭吃啊…… 接下来是这两位看上去就不简单的前台 。 Via The Verge Two velociraptor robots positioned at check-in were also decommissioned becausehuman workers essentially had to do their jobs for them and photocopy guests’ passports manually . 两个在前台工作的迅猛龙机器人也退役了,因为人类工作人员还需要帮它们做事并且手动复印住客的护照 。 Via The Verge 电影《侏罗纪世界》 中的迅猛龙这么厉害,机器人版中会不会也太“菜鸡”了呢? 脑力活动不行,体力活动总行了吧?然而只有你想不到,没有我搬运工做得到的! Via Youtube WSJ Two robot luggage carriers could only reach about24 of the over 100 rooms in the hotel andfailed in rain or snow . They would also often get stuck trying to pass by each other. 两名机器人搬运工只能(将行李)送达酒店100多个房间中的24个房间 ,并且在雨雪天气 还会罢工 。他们还会在交位时相互阻挡。 Via The Verge 怎么室内“搬砖”也搬不动了呢? 最后,酒店的门面担当 也没逃过这一劫…… The hotel’s main concierge robot also didn’t know how to answer questions about flight schedules and nearby tourist attractions. It has since been replaced by a human. 酒店看门机器人也因为不会回答有关航班时刻表和附近旅游景点的问题而被炒鱿鱼,自此之后,它的工作由人类取代。 Via The Verge 本来是想用机器人取代人力成本、提高效率的,没想到机器人反而帮了倒忙。现在一切又回到最初的原点…… “We are trying to evolve and improve every day, but we have been working with state-of-the-art equipment,” said Tatsuya Fukuda, who oversees development of the chain for domestic travel giant HIS. “我们每天都在努力改进,但我们一直在使用最先进的设备,”日本国内旅游巨头HIS负责该连锁酒店开发的Tatsuya Fukuda说。 The hotel was reintroducing human staff in place of its robot employees to ensure that standards of service were maintained, he told the South China Morning Post. 他在接受《南华早报》采访时表示,酒店正在重新聘用人类员工,以取代机器人员工,以确保服务质量达标。 Via Yahoo News 其实Hen-na Hotel的第一家店于2015年开业,也是当时世界上第一家机器人员工酒店 ,吸引了不少媒体争相报道。 这家酒店旅游公司总裁Hideo Sawada 当时回应媒体的时候也还是很开心的…… Via Nikkei Asian Review Via The Guardian The hotel’s owner, Hideo Sawada, says he wants to make this“the most efficient hotel in the world” by reducing manpower and having90% of staff be robotic . 酒店老板说他希望通过减少人力并使用90%的机器人员工 来让这家酒店成为“世界上效率最高的酒店” 。 Via The Guardian Via Nikkei Asian Review "Our goal is to boostthe productivity of the service industry ," Sawada said. Sawada说:“我们的目标是提高服务业的生产力 。” Via Nikkei Asian Review Via South China Morning Post “I wanted to highlight innovation,” Sawada told reporters. “I also wanted to do something about hotel prices going up.” Sawada说:“我想强调创新,同时采取措施应对酒店业成本上涨。” Via South China Morning Post (划重点)和我一起喊,我们的目标是: 1. 效率最高 2. 提升服务业 3. 强调创新,应对涨价 然这些Flag立了之后倒没倒先来听听住客怎么说: One guest told The Wall Street Journal that he kept being woken in the night by Churi because it believed his snoring was a command and kept asking him to repeat his request. 一位住客称,他晚上总被Churi吵醒,因为Churi认为他的鼾声是一种命令然后不断地要求他重复他的指令。 Via Yahoo News 最后,我们还是要将话筒交给最有发言权的这位雇佣机器人的大老板Hideo Sawada 本人来评一评: “When you actually use robots, you realise that there are places where they are not needed – or just annoy people,” Sawada said. 他说:“当你真正使用机器人时,你会意识到有些地方不需要它们,或者(机器人)只是让人们感到厌烦。” Via Yahoo News 不过不管怎么说,这位老板的创新意识还是值得学习的,只不过要想让机器人全面取代人类可能还为时过早了吧? 虽然AlphaGo击败了人类职业围棋选手,但是人类无论是在脑力活动还是体力活动上比大多数机器人还是要更胜一筹的啊~ 如果你是机器人酒店的老板,你觉得未来机器人可以胜任什么工作呢? 整合:Yao Jiaying 资料来源:The Wall Street Journal, The Verge, Youtube, Nikkei Asian Review, The Guardian, South China Morning Post 图:The Wall Street Journal, The Verge, Youtube, Nikkei Asian Review, The Guardian, South China Morning Post, 网络 |
日本“怪异”酒店裁员半数机器人 这年头,连机器人都不好做啊
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