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中国石化新闻网--日本政府敦促在2050年后尽快实现碳中和 |
作者:佚名 文章来源:中国石化新闻网 点击数690 更新时间:2019/4/4 15:46:44 文章录入:贯通日本语 责任编辑:贯通日本语 | ||
中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社东京报道,周二,日本政府的一个小组敦促日本通过广泛使用二氧化碳捕获技术和降低生产成本等创新措施,在2050年后尽快实现碳中和。 与此同时,日本正在制定一项长期的低排放战略,以提交联合国,具体说明如何实现在2015年签署《巴黎协议》时做出的承诺,将本世纪全球气温上升幅度控制在2摄氏度以下。 该提案强调了新的目标,如到2030年碳捕获和储存(CCS)和碳捕获和利用(CCU)的商业化,以及减少生产无二氧化碳氢的成本,但它推迟了煤炭融资或碳税方向的概述。 该小组表示,为了帮助实现《巴黎协议》限制全球变暖的目标,日本应该在几年内开发商用CCU技术,并在2030年前开始商用CCS和CCU,同时考虑出口此类技术。 由学术专家和商界领袖组成的小组还表示,日本应在2050年之前将无二氧化碳氢的生产成本降低到十分之一,这将低于液化天然气的生产成本。 日本因大量使用燃煤发电和计划建设新的燃煤发电厂而受到批评。 该小组敦促日本将其对燃煤发电的依赖降低到“尽可能低的水平”,但没有给出具体的目标。 环保人士还指责日本为建设燃煤电厂的海外项目提供资金。 该小组鼓励日本的资本市场变得更加绿色(环保),但没有说日本应该停止煤炭融资。 此外,该小组还表示,日本需要进一步讨论碳定价问题,尽管日本环境部的专家组已经讨论这一问题近两年了。 日本环境部的一位官员说,日本计划在6月于日本举行的20国集团(G20)峰会之前制定其长期战略。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Government panel urges Japan to be carbon-neutral soon after 2050 A Japanese government panel on Tuesday urged the country to aim to be carbon-neutral as soon as possible after 2050 through innovations such as the wide use of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology and lower cost hydrogen production. The proposal comes as Japan is mapping out a long-term low-emissions strategy to be submitted to the United Nations to flesh out how to reach commitments made under the 2015 Paris Agreement to keep the rise in global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius this century. The proposal highlights new targets such as the commercialization of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture and utilization (CCU) by 2030 and a reduction in costs of producing CO2-free hydrogen, but it postponed an outline on the direction of coal financing or a carbon tax. To help achieve the Paris Agreement’s goal to limit global warming, Japan should develop commercial CCU technology within several years and start commercial use of CCS and CCU by 2030, while considering exporting such technologies, the panel said. The panel, a group of academic experts and business leaders, also said Japan should cut the costs of producing CO2-free hydrogen to one-tenth by 2050, which would become lower than liquefied natural gas (LNG). Japan has been criticized for its heavy use of coal-fired power generation and plans to build new coal-fired plants. The panel urged Japan to cut its dependency on coal-fired power generation to the “lowest possible levels”, but stopped short of giving a specific target. Environmental activists also blame Japan for financing overseas projects to build coal-fired power plants. The panel encouraged Japan’s capital markets to become greener, but did not say Japan should stop coal financing. Also, it said Japan needed further discussions on carbon pricing although the environment ministry’s panels have been discussing the issue for almost two years. Japanese plans to lay out its long-term strategy ahead of a summit of the Group of 20 major economies to be held in June in Japan, an official at environment ministry said.
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