中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月13日消息,在距离福岛核泄漏灾难发生四年后,日本未来15年尝试性的能源计划寻求显著增加可再生电力来源,但仍然依赖于传统的能源供应来源,包括不受民众欢迎的核电和进口化石燃料。该计划呼吁重启该国多数闲置的核电装置,日本所有的核电装置在福岛核泄漏灾难发生后全部闲置,但是寻求降低对核电的依赖,同时大幅提高当前的可再生能源产量。核电和可再生电力到2030年将提共日本电力需求的逾20%。该计划同时呼吁大幅减少对中东石油的依赖度,但是预期液化天然气和煤炭的进口量将占到日本能源需求的逾50%。
Japan Energy Plan Seeks to Rebalance Power Sources
[Dow Jones] Four years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan's tentative energy plan for the next 15 years seeks to significantly increase renewable power sources, but will still draw heavily on the country's traditional energy suppliers: unpopular nuclear power and imported fossil fuels. The plan calls for restarting most of the country's idle nuclear-power plants--all of which were taken offline after Fukushima--but seeks less reliance on nuclear energy while roughly doubling the current output of renewable energy. Both sources are seen as providing slightly more than 20% of the nation's electricity by 2030. The plan also calls for a sharp reduction of Mideast oil, but envisions imports of liquefied natural gas and coal accounting for more than 50% of Japan's needs.