日本金融事务部的一名自民党官员Tomonori Kanda透露,立法修正案在周三通过了讨论,自民党决定在国会提出该议案。
日本此举可能是吸取该国比特币交易平台Mt. Gox于2014年倒闭并损失惨重的教训,寻求进一步监管加密数字货币以及防止类似事件的发生。
Mt. Gox的时任总经理Mark Karpeles正接受日本官方调查,被指控犯有侵吞公司资产罪。
Japan’s governing Liberal Democratic party is planning to propose legal changes that would define bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as currencies.
The changes would mean bitcoin could be more tightly regulated and taxed, and are likely to lead to more investment in developing cryptocurrency infrastructure in Japan.
Tomonori Kanda, an official in the financial affairs section at the party’s headquarters, said legislative changes were discussed on Wednesday and the LDP aimed to raise the matter in parliament.
“There is a long way to go,” he said. “But we have discussed reform and believe it is the right way to go.” The timing of the change was yet to be decided, he said.
Japan considers bitcoin a commodity. The new definition would consider anything that can be exchanged for goods and services or legal tender as a currency, bringing bitcoin, dogecoin and many other cryptocurrencies into the fold.
According to a report in the Nikkei newspaper, the changes were proposed by government body the Financial Services Agency. However, an FSA official in Tokyo refused to confirm that any changes to legislation were being considered.
“We have not decided anything yet,” the official said. “The way things work here is that any change would have to be approved by parliament first, and then we would work on writing the legislation.”
Speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject, the official declined to comment on whether the FSA had proposed the legislative changes.
Japan, the home of Mt. Gox, the bitcoin exchange that folded in 2014 and lost coins worth hundreds of millions of pounds, has been looking for ways to keep a closer eye on cryptocurrencies and prevent another disaster.
Mark Karpeles, the former chief executive of Mt. Gox, is being held by Japanese authorities and has been charged with embezzlement.