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作者:佚名  来源:中国日报网   更新:2016-8-13 10:28:35  点击:  切换到繁體中文



Japan's Emperor Akihito has strongly indicated he wants to step down, saying he fears his age will make it difficult to fulfill his duties.日本明仁天皇强烈暗示希望退位,称担心自己年事已高,难以履行职责。

The revered 82-year-old emperor's comments came in only his second-ever televised address to the public.现年82岁的天皇备受尊崇,在其第二次面向公众的电视讲话中,他流露了自己的意向。

Emperor Akihito did not explicitly say he wanted to abdicate as he is barred from making political statements.由于不能发布政治声明,明仁天皇并未明确表示希望退位。

PM Shinzo Abe said the government would take the remarks "seriously" and discuss what could be done.日本首相安倍晋三称,政府会“严肃”对待天皇的讲话并商讨可行措施。

"Upon reflecting how he handles his official duty and so on, his age and the current situation of how he works, I do respect the heavy responsibility the emperor must be feeling and I believe we need to think hard about what we can do," he said.他说:“考虑到天皇处理公务和其他事务的问题,以及他的年纪和当前的工作状况,我非常尊重天皇面临的沉重职责,同时我们需要认真思考能做些什么。”

Akihito, who has had heart surgery and was treated for prostate cancer, has been on the throne in Japan since the death of his father, Hirohito, in 1989.明仁在其父裕仁天皇1989年去世后成为日本天皇,曾接受心脏手术和前列腺癌的治疗。

In his 10-minute pre-recorded message, he said he had "started to reflect" on his years as emperor, and contemplate his position in the years to come.在预先录制好的10分钟讲话里,他说自己“开始反思”作为天皇的时光,并考虑自己将来的位置。

Why can't the emperor abdicate?为什么天皇不能退位?

Abdication is not mentioned under Japan's existing laws, so they would need to be changed for the emperor to be able to stand down. The changes would also have to be approved by parliament.日本现行法律中并未提及退位事宜,因此天皇退位需要修改法律。而法律的修改需要在议会通过。

What do the public think?民众怎么看?

Most support the emperor's desire to step down - a recent survey by the Kyodo news agency found more than 85% saying abdication should be legalised. But the move is opposed by some more conservative sections of Japanese society.日本共同社近期一项调查显示,大多数人支持天皇退位的意向。超过85%的人表示退位应当合法化,但日本社会中一些更为保守的人士对此表示反对。

Is this the first time a revision of the law has been discussed?这是第一次讨论修改法律吗?

A debate about whether or not a woman would be able to ascend the throne was triggered in 2006 when the emperor had no grandsons, but was postponed after a boy was born to the imperial family.2006年,因天皇没有孙子而展开了关于女性能否继承皇位的争论。皇室有男孩降生后,争论得以搁置。

What does the emperor do?天皇做些什么?

The emperor has no political powers but has several official duties, such as greeting foreign dignitaries. Japan's monarchy is entwined in the Shinto religion and the emperor still performs religious ceremonies. He also plants and harvests a small rice paddy inside the palace while the empress raises silkworms.天皇没有政治权力,但需要承担一些公务,比如接待外国的重要来宾。日本的君主制与神道教密切相关,天皇还要参与宗教仪式。他还在宫内的一小块稻田里种植和收割庄稼,而皇后则养蚕。

If he were to abdicate, it would be the first time a Japanese emperor has stepped down since Emperor Kokaku in 1817.如果明仁天皇退位,这将是1817年光格天皇退位之后,首次有日本天皇退位。



Message from His Majesty The Emperor

August 8, 2016

A major milestone year marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II has passed, and in two years we will be welcoming the 30th year of Heisei.战后70年这一大的节点过去,2年后,将迎来平成三十年。

As I am now more than 80 years old and there are times when I feel various constraints such as in my physical fitness, in the last few years I have started to reflect on my years as the Emperor, and contemplate on my role and my duties as the Emperor in the days to come.我已超过80岁,在体力方面等有时也感到种种局限,这几年来,在回顾作为天皇的自身足迹的同时,也开始思考关于将来自己的应有状态以及公务。

As we are in the midst of a rapidly aging society, I would like to talk to you today about what would be a desirable role of the Emperor in a time when the Emperor, too, becomes advanced in age. While, being in the position of the Emperor, I must refrain from making any specific comments on the existing Imperial system, I would like to tell you what I, as an individual, have been thinking about.在社会老龄化日益严重的情况下,当天皇也已届高龄,何种状态才是理想的?站在天皇立场上不具体触及现行的天皇制度,但今天,我作为个人,想谈谈至今为止思考之事。

Ever since my accession to the throne, I have carried out the acts of the Emperor in matters of state, and at the same time I have spent my days searching for and contemplating on what is the desirable role of the Emperor, who is designated to be the symbol of the State by the Constitution of Japan. As one who has inherited a long tradition, I have always felt a deep sense of responsibility to protect this tradition. At the same time, in a nation and in a world which are constantly changing, I have continued to think to this day about how the Japanese Imperial Family can put its traditions to good use in the present age and be an active and inherent part of society, responding to the expectations of the people.即位以来,我在履行国事行为的同时,关于日本国宪法下被定位为象征天皇的理想状态,每天都在摸索中度过。作为传统的继承者,我深感继续守护传统的责任,处在日新月异的日本和世界之中,日本的皇室如何将传统寓于现代、使之鲜活地融合于社会并满足人们的期待,对此我思考至今。

It was some years ago, after my two surgeries that I began to feel a decline in my fitness level because of my advancing age, and I started to think about the pending future, how I should conduct myself should it become difficult for me to carry out my heavy duties in the way I have been doing, and what would be best for the country, for the people, and also for the Imperial Family members who will follow after me. I am already 80 years old, and fortunately I am now in good health. However, when I consider that my fitness level is gradually declining, I am worried that it may become difficult for me to carry out my duties as the symbol of the State with my whole being as I have done until now.在这一过程中,几年前我2次接受外科手术,加之因高龄感到体力减退之时起,我开始思考:今后,当出现难以像以往那样履行繁重公务时,应当如何安置自身,对国家、对国民,以及对我身后的皇族而言才是适当的方式。我已逾80,尽管可说尚幸健康,但考虑到身体逐渐衰弱时,我担忧或难以像至今为止那样,全身心地完成象征天皇的公务。

I ascended to the throne approximately 28 years ago, and during these years, I have spent my days together with the people of Japan, sharing much of the joys as well as the sorrows that have happened in our country. I have considered that the first and foremost duty of the Emperor is to pray for peace and happiness of all the people. At the same time, I also believe that in some cases it is essential to stand by the people, listen to their voices, and be close to them in their thoughts. In order to carry out the duties of the Emperor as the symbol of the State and as a symbol of the unity of the people, the Emperor needs to seek from the people their understanding on the role of the symbol of the State. I think that likewise, there is need for the Emperor to have a deep awareness of his own role as the Emperor, deep understanding of the people, and willingness to nurture within himself the awareness of being with the people. In this regard, I have felt that my travels to various places throughout Japan, in particular, to remote places and islands, are important acts of the Emperor as the symbol of the State and I have carried them out in that spirit. In my travels throughout the country, which I have made together with the Empress, including the time when I was Crown Prince, I was made aware that wherever I went there were thousands of citizens who love their local community and with quiet dedication continue to support their community. With this awareness I was able to carry out the most important duties of the Emperor, to always think of the people and pray for the people, with deep respect and love for the people. That, I feel, has been a great blessing.我成为天皇将近28年,这期间我与人们共同度过了我国许多欢喜之时、以及悲伤之时。作为天皇的公务,我一直深认为应将祈愿国民的安宁和幸福放在首位,同时在行事之时,我认为有时站在人们的身旁,倾听他们的心声,体察他们的心情也十分重要。



In coping with the aging of the Emperor, I think it is not possible to continue reducing perpetually the Emperor's acts in matters of state and his duties as the symbol of the State. A Regency may be established to act in the place of the Emperor when the Emperor cannot fulfill his duties for reasons such as he is not yet of age or he is seriously ill. Even in such cases, however, it does not change the fact that the Emperor continues to be the Emperor till the end of his life, even though he is unable to fully carry out his duties as the Emperor.伴随天皇趋于高龄的应对方式,无限缩小国事行为及作为象征天皇的行为或许很难。此外,因天皇未成年或病重等无法发挥应有的作用时,可考虑设置代行天皇行为的摄政。但是,即使是这样,天皇持续不能充分履行理应完成的公务,直到生命终结其作为天皇的身份始终不会改变。

When the Emperor has ill health and his condition becomes serious, I am concerned that, as we have seen in the past, society comes to a standstill and people's lives are impacted in various ways. The practice in the Imperial Family has been that the death of the Emperor called for events of heavy mourning, continuing every day for two months, followed by funeral events which continue for one year. These various events occur simultaneously with events related to the new era, placing a very heavy strain on those involved in the events, in particular, the family left behind. It occurs to me from time to time to wonder whether it is possible to prevent such a situation.当天皇健康状态严重不佳时,如以前曾出现的那样,有可能导致社会停滞、给国民的生活也带来各种影响。而且作为至今为止的皇室惯例,天皇过世之后,连日举行的隆重殡葬仪式将持续近两个月,之后与丧葬有关的仪式会长达一年。这一系列仪式及与新时代相关的各种事项同时进行,因此与之相关的人们,尤其是天皇的家人不得已将处于非常艰难的状况。难道不能避免这样的事态吗?这一想法也不时萦绕于心。

As I said in the beginning, under the Constitution, the Emperor does not have powers related to government. Even under such circumstances, it is my hope that by thoroughly reflecting on our country's long history of emperors, the Imperial Family can continue to be with the people at all times and can work together with the people to build the future of our country, and that the duties of the Emperor as the symbol of the State can continue steadily without a break. With this earnest wish, I have decided to make my thoughts known.正如开头所说,根据宪法,天皇没有参与国政之权能。这种情况下,此次在重新回顾我国漫长的天皇历史的同时,衷心祈愿今后无论何时皇室都能与国民同在、携手共筑这个国家的未来,以及象征天皇的公务永远不会中断、稳定持续下去,我在此讲述了自身的想法。

I sincerely hope for your understanding.恳切希望能够得到国民的理解。


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