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作者:佚名  来源:环球时报英文版   更新:2019-3-11 11:43:54  点击:  切换到繁體中文



日本将禁止父母体罚子女 Via Japan Today

The planned law revisions are also aimed at strengthening the authority of child welfare centers to ensure prompt separation of children from abusive parents. Foster parents and welfare workers will also be banned from physically punishing children as a means of discipline.


ViaJapan Today

日本政府计划于3月中旬 批准此次修订,并在当前国会会议期间制定立法。

据The Japan Times 此前的报道,2018年,日本疑似遭受虐待的儿童和青少年数量创下历史新高 。

Police reported the suspected abuse of a record-high80,104 minors aged below 18 to child welfare authorities in 2018 amid growing public awareness of the problem, government data showed Thursday.

政府公布的数据显示,2018年,警方向儿童福利机构报告的疑似遭受虐待的18岁以下未成年人数达80,104名 ,创下历史新高,公众对于这一问题的关注不断提高。

The figure rose by22.4 percent from a year earlier, surpassing 80,000 for the first time since comparable data became available in 2004, according to preliminary figures released by the National Police Agency. The number is upthirteenfold from 2008.

根据日本警察厅公布的初步数据,这一数字比去年同期增长了22.4% ,自2004年可比数据出现以来首次超过80,000,比2008年增加了13倍 。

Via The Japan Times

今年1月份,日本一名10岁的女孩Mia Kurihara 被发现在家中死亡,这个案子又一次引发了日本社会对于体罚和虐童的关注。

10岁女孩受虐死亡,引发社会对日本虐童案的关注 图 Via CNN

据CNN 报道,1月24日,Mia Kurihara在首都东京附近的野田家中被发现死亡。之前,她曾在一份保密的学校调查问卷中给她的老师写了一个纸条,称她的父亲Yuichiro Kurihara虐待她,并恳求学校帮助她 。

"I've been receiving physical violence from my father," the note read.


"He wakes me up in the middle of the night. When I'm awake, he hits and kicks me. Teacher, can you do anything for me?"



之后,Mia被保护起来,与一位亲戚同住。但后来,Mia父亲递上一封自称来自Mia的信,为自己开脱,最终官方还是决定把她送回家 。

According to Hitoshi Nihei, the head of Kashiwa Child Welfare Center, who read the letter out a press conference on February 5, it read: "It was a lie that I was hit by my father. Please do not come to see me, I don't want to see the staff from Child Welfare Center."

2月5日,当地儿童福利中心负责人Hitoshi Nihei在新闻发布会公布了这封信,信里写道:“我撒谎了,我爸爸没有打我。请不要来看我,我不想见儿童福利中心的工作人员。”


据报道,去年3月份,Mia被送回父母身边,自此之后,儿童福利机构或者教育机构无一人去Mia家进行家访 。不到一年以后,Mia就去世了。


今年1月份,Mia的父母因涉嫌造成导致女儿死亡的伤害相继被警方逮捕。而此前,Mia休完寒假之后没有出现在学校时,其父亲还向学校称Mia住在亲戚家。被捕后,Mia的父亲还否认自己虐待女儿 。

According to local media reports, Yuichiro has denied that he abused his daughter, telling police he used strict parenting methods but didn't do anything wrong. Local media reports that Nagisa, the mother, has told police that she was also abused by her husband and covered up his abuse of Mia out of fear for her own safety.




同样的惨剧也发生在了5岁的Yua Funato 身上。

Yua Funato Via Facebook

据The Mainichi 报道,Yua Funato常年受到家人体罚虐待,尽管相关机构进行了干涉,也没能制止惨剧的发生 。

Via The Mainichi

Yua Funato曾经随母亲Yuri 与继父Yudai 一同生活。

2016年时,就有邻居报警听到Yua在家哭喊 。当地儿童福利中心的工作人员去家访时,母亲Yuri则声称孩子哭闹很正常 。

A few months later on the night of Dec. 25, Yua was found left outside of the home in her pajamas. It was confirmed that she had been assaulted by Yudai, and the center moved her into temporary protective custody.


Via The Mainichi


Even after Yua was released from custody the second time, bruises were discovered on her face and thighs in August and September 2017. Yua told the doctor, "Daddy beat me. Mommy was there too."


Via The Mainichi


The move appears to have aggravated the abuse, and Yua died on March 2, 2018. The little girl who pleaded,"Please, please forgive me," in desperate notes to her parents would have celebrated her sixth birthday at the end of June.

搬家之后,虐待行为愈演愈烈。2018年3月2日,Yua去世。可怜的Yua在给父母的一封信中绝望地恳求:“请,请原谅我。” 本来,6月底她父母就该为她庆祝六岁生日了。

Via The Mainichi


据The Mainichi 报道,日本法律保障父母有权管教子女,但没有明确条款禁止父母体罚虐待孩子。

When relevant laws were amended in 2016, the government stopped short of seeking to specifically ban corporal punishment. However, the government is now poised to incorporate a clause banning such punishment following the deaths of two girls -- Mia Kurihara, 10, of Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, and Yua Funado, 5, of Tokyo -- after being allegedly abused by their parents under the pretext of discipline.

在2016年修订相关法律时,政府并没有明确禁止体罚。然而,在东京以东的千叶县的10岁小姑娘Mia Kurihara和5岁的东京小姑娘Yua Funado因为受到父母以管教为名的虐待而去世后,政府准备将这项条款列入立法。

Via The Mainichi

报道还提到,在实际的操作中,儿童的本应享有的合法权益也常常会被忽略 ,这种情况在Mia和Yua的案件中就能看到。

Children's right to express their opinions freely on whether they should enter foster facilities and other matters is guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In many cases in Japan, however, relevant organizations make such decisions based on the opinions of children's parents.


Amended legislation would state that the government will consider strengthening the system to protect children's rights, such as thoroughly listening to the opinions of children and appointing experts and establishing organizations specializing in expressing infants' opinions on their behalf.


Via The Mainichi

这次的立法修订也引发了网友对于父母教育方式的讨论 ,以及立法是否能够真的制止体罚虐待:

@Strangerland: If you’re hitting your kid, it’s poor parenting.


@smartacus: I'd also like to know how they are going to enforce it. And does it mean that if a parent smacks his/her child, they are breaking the law?


@Strangerland: “Banning physical punishment is not going to stop it happening. It’s only going to address child abuse after the fact.”


@Speed: Sorry, not all kids are the same. Most kids you can discipline them with words and non-corporal punishment. But for a few kids, it just doesn't work and they do things that deserve a smack or spanking with a hand or a belt.


Making it illegal to physically discipline your child even if the situation calls for it isn't the answer. Punishing parents who abuse this power should be the goal. That's why they call it child abuse. It's different from proper physical punishment.


Via Japan Today





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    杜绝虐待儿童 日本国会将审议儿




