Screenshot via The Guardian
在日本,有一位人气兽医被人们称作“猫的救星(Cat Saviour) ”,他在猫咪的行为研究、疾病治疗领域享有盛名,他的名字叫服部幸(Yuki Hattori)。
据英国《卫报》 9月5日报道,由于服部幸在日本享有极高的人气,他在过去一年里总共接诊了16000只猫咪(如果他每天都工作,平均一天接诊44只猫咪) 。另外,他的诊所里常常有围观的人群,人们喜欢聆听他对猫咪行为与情感的分析。
Images from the website of the Japanese Society of Feline Medicine
Yuki Hattori is a Japanese cat doctor who enjoys national fame for his uncanny ability of understanding cats’ behaviors and feelings. The Guardian reported on Saturday that the vet guru, who in 2019 saw some 16,000 patients, is popularly known as the “Cat Saviour."
Hattori, who graduated from the Department of Veterinary Medicine at Kitasato University, established the Tokyo Feline Medical Center in 2012, which later was accredited as Gold Standard Cat Friendly Clinic by the International Society of Feline Medicine, becoming the second feline medical center in Asia to receive this honor.
在过去20年里,服部幸总共撰写了14本关于如何饲养宠物猫的书籍 。在他看来,猫咪尾巴的摆动、胡须的抽动以及耳朵的甩动都是它们情感和欲望的表达。
他曾在书里介绍,叫声较长的“喵”是猫咪“要求进餐或游戏的声音”,较短的“喵”是“打招呼的声音”,“咕噜咕噜”是“放松时的声音” 。
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服部幸对猫咪的研究细致而全面,“如何根据猫咪的年龄实现房间摆设的最优化”、“自然灾害发生时如何带着猫咪安全地撤离” 等细节问题在他的书中都有涉及。在讲述如何创造适合猫咪生存的居家环境时,香薰油、水果的气味等因素他都会考虑到。
除了实用的知识外,读者还能从服部幸的书中了解到一些“猫咪冷知识”。比如,猫咪也分左撇子和右撇子,猫咪分辨不出甜味和咸味等 。
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Over the past two decades, Yuki Hattori has written 14 books on how to raise and treat house cats. In his view, every tail swish, whisker twitch, ear flick and miaow is a subtle expression of an animal’s desires. For instance, he distinguishes a long miaow from a brief one, saying that the former indicates the cat is calling for help while the latter is a cat saying hello. In his books, one can not only acquire useful knowledge of raising a house cat, but also could learn some interesting facts about cats, like “cats can’t tell sweet from salty."
“All I want is for more people to realize what’s special about living with cats,” Hattori told media. Some of Hattori’s books were translated into Chinese and were spoken highly of by Chinese readers for being both informative and entertaining.
服部幸的一些书被翻译成了中文,比如《猫咪心情解剖图鉴》、《高龄猫照护解剖图鉴》、《如何让你的猫更幸福》 。他的书常常采用漫画的形式讲解知识,这种生动有趣的叙事方式受到了国内读者的喜爱,网友们纷纷表示他的书既有趣又实用:
在海外版豆瓣读书Goodreads上,外国网友们对服部幸 “What Cats Want”一书给出了4.8的高分。