A public elementary school in Japan is facing criticism over its plan to adopt uniforms designed by Italian luxury label Giorgio Armani.日本一所公立小学因打算采用意大利奢侈品牌乔治阿玛尼设计的校服而饱受指责。
According to local media reports, the school in Tokyo wants to introduce uniforms that cost more than 80,000 yen each.据当地媒体报道,这所位于东京的学校希望采用售价超过8万日元(约合人民币4600元)的校服。
Parents complained it was unaffordable and the plan was even brought up in parliament.家长投诉称校服价格“负担过重”,学校此举甚至在国会引起讨论。
The school is located in the upscale Ginza district.这所学校位于高端商区银座。
The Taimei Elementary School sent a letter to parents last November in which the principal explained that the school was changing its uniform to better reflect its status as a "landmark" in Ginza, according to the Huffington Post Japan.据《赫芬顿邮报》日本版报道,去年11月,泰明小学给学生家长们寄了一封信,校长在信中解释称,为了更好地体现学校作为银座“地标”的地位,校方准备更换校服。
The move triggered five cases of complaints from parents.此举遭到来自家长的5起投诉。
"I was surprised and wondered why such luxury uniforms have been picked for a public elementary school," a unnamed mother told the Huffington Post.一位不愿透露姓名的母亲告诉《赫芬顿邮报》:“我很诧异,也很好奇,为什么一所公立小学要挑选如此奢侈的校服。”
Although school uniforms are not strictly compulsory in public schools in Japan, most students choose to wear them.虽然日本公立学校在校服问题上并没有严格强制规定,但大多数学生还是选择穿校服。
Online, people were equally critical of the news.网友同样不赞同这则新闻中的做法。
"I heard that school uniforms were originally invented so kids from different income families wouldn't face discrimination," one person pointed out on Twitter.一位网友在推特上写道:“我听说,最初发明校服,就是为了让来自不同收入的家庭的孩子免受歧视。”
"Children are not aware of famous brands... Are you saying a child wearing Armani will be better developed than a child who doesn't wear it?" another user asked.另一位网友称:“孩子们不认识名牌……你是说一个穿阿玛尼的孩子比不穿它的孩子会发展的更好吗?”
At a meeting of the House of Representatives' Budget Committee on Thursday, the issue was brought up by a lawmaker who said the school had to consider the cost to parents.8日,一名议员在日本众院预算委员会会议上提到了这个问题,他表示,学校必须考虑家长要承担的费用。
In response to the issue, Finance Minister Taro Aso said the uniform was "clearly expensive", and raised concerns that students could not afford it.针对该问题,日本财政部长麻生太郎认为,校服“显然很贵”,人们担心学生们负担不起。