Japanese workers are being given schedules dictating when they can get married or give birth, it has been revealed. 媒体近日曝出,日本企业给员工制定了结婚或生小孩的时间表。 The disturbing trend first came to light after a nursery worker's husband spoke out to say his wife was being bullied by her boss for getting pregnant 'out of turn'. 这种令人不安的风气被曝光是因为最近有一名保育员的丈夫站出来直言,称自己的妻子因为“不按顺序”怀孕而遭到上司欺凌。 Since then dozens of other women have come forward to share similar stories, with one 26-year-old woman saying she was told to wait until 35 to conceive - despite already suffering from fertility issues. 从那以后,数十名女性分享了相似的经历,一名26岁的女性表示,按公司规定她必须等到35岁才能怀孕——而她本身就有怀孕困难问题。 The initial complaint came in a letter to newspaper Mainichi Shimbun last month, from the husband of a woman who works at a nursery in Aichi Prefecture. 上个月日本每日新闻社收到了第一封相关的投诉信,这封信是一名在爱知县托儿所工作的女性的丈夫写来的。 He wrote: 'Eight months into our marriage, in January of this year, we found out that my wife was pregnant. 他写道:“结婚八个月后,在今年一月份,我们发现我妻子怀孕了。” 'My wife, who is a child care provider, appeared glum and anxious over the news. “从事幼儿看护工作的妻子得知消息后,露出忧郁和焦虑的神色。” 'The director at the child care center where she works had determined the order in which workers could get married or pregnant, and apparently there was an unspoken rule that one must not take their "turn" before a senior staff member. “她就职的托儿所的所长规定了员工结婚或怀孕的顺序,显然那里有一条不成文的规定,就是不能比资深员工更早结婚或怀孕。” 'My wife and I went together to apologise. "We're sorry we got pregnant," we said. “我的妻子和我一起去道歉。我们说:‘对不起,我们怀孕了。’” 'The director grudgingly accepted our apology, but since the next day, has been chiding my wife with harsh words, such as, "How could you so selfishly break the rules?" “所长不情愿地接受了我们的道歉,但从第二天开始,就一直用刻薄的言语指责我的妻子,比如‘你怎么能这么自私地破坏规矩?’” 'My wife feels guilty thinking about the hard labor conditions of her colleagues.' “我妻子想到同事们艰辛的劳动条件就感到内疚。” While the man admits 'we are at fault for not planning well' he goes on to ask: 'Who benefits from having their "turn" to have children dictated, and following those rules?' 尽管这名男子承认,“我们没有计划好,是我们的错”,但是接下来他发问道:“按顺序生小孩和遵守这些规定,是谁受益呢?” The letter prompted a national outpouring of sympathy and confessions from other workers that they were being forced to live by similar rules. 这封信引发了许多日本国民的同情,还有很多其他职员也坦承自己被迫按类似的规定来生活。 本文关键字: 日本给员工制定结婚生育年龄 |
日本给员工制定结婚生育年龄 需按顺序生育
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