――私の最初の質問は、憲法改正についてです。アウンサンスーチー国家顧問率いる与党・国民民主連盟(NLD)は最近、憲法改正のための委員会を設置するよう提案しました。あなたは、この提案について事前に知っていましたか? あなたは改憲に賛成ですか?
――(少数派イスラム教徒ロヒンギャが住む)ラカイン州の問題について、国連を始めとする国際社会は、ミャンマー国軍や政府によるイスラム教徒の追放に対し、厳しく批判しています。この国に住んでいた約70万人以上がバングラデシュに逃れました。難民についてどう考えていますか? 国際刑事裁判所(ICC)は、あなたや軍人の訴追を準備していると報じられています。国際社会の意見について、どのように考えますか?
ラカイン州のブディダウンとマウンドー地区であった問題を語るとき、歴史的な真実を知る必要がある。彼ら(ラカイン州に住んでいるイスラム教徒)はミャンマー国籍を有しない。真実のポイントは、彼らはミャンマー固有の民族に含まれないということだ。彼らは単なる移民で、ミャンマーに住んでいるというだけだ。私や軍、国家にとって、ミャンマーに住む市民や人々を守ることが義務だ。国民を守る義務がある。実際、他の人に批判されている出来事は2017年に起きた。しかし、これは歴史に根ざしている。たとえば、1942年には2万人近いラカイン民族の人々がアレーダンチョーで殺害された。すべての生存者はブディダウンとマウンドー地区から逃げなければならなかった。これは歴史上、本当の出来事のひとつだ。植民地時代から現在まで、こういった出来事はたくさん起こった。危機が2012年や16年、17年に起こった、ということを我々は確認している。先住民はその地域では少数派だ。その地域には、ベンガリもいる。我々が彼らをベンガリと呼ぶ理由は、我々がベンガル地方と呼んでいた地域から彼らが来たからだ。彼らが先住民をいじめ、殺害したケースは多くある。彼らは警察施設に対して、武力攻撃を仕掛けることもあった。多くの土着の民族が殺害された。治安部隊に対する攻撃もその地域では多く発生した。だから、我々は、治安部隊や我々の国民が攻撃されているのにもかかわらず傍観している、というわけにはいかなかったのだ。どのような方法でも、我々は彼らを守らないといけないだろう。第一にすべきことは、国民を守る。我々にそれ以外の代替策はない。我々は彼らに対して反撃する、それが自然な治安上の義務だ。2017年の問題は、400、500人~1千人近くが、20~25人しかいない治安施設を襲撃した。彼らは村々も襲った。我々は全体の出来事をすでに説明してきた。調査は真実も明らかにした。我々は出来事に直面し、事件の証拠を示してきた。自衛行為があった。もし我々が彼らの攻撃を防衛・防御しなければ、我々の国民は死滅していただろう。だから、そこにいた治安部隊は滅んでいただろう。(我々が)一切の反撃をせずに彼らの攻撃を甘受する、ということは不可能だった。だから、我々は反撃しなければならなかった。大量のベンガリたちが攻撃に関与したと私は思う。彼らの背後にいるARSA(ロヒンギャ武装組織アラカン・ロヒンギャ救済軍)の関与について記録ビデオを持っている。ビデオには、彼らが棒や刃物、即席の爆弾や銃で武装していたということが示されている。これらすべての兵器は人の殺害に使うことが可能だ。こういった武器を持つ彼らによる攻撃を我々は甘受できない、ということをあなたは分かるだろう。反応として、彼らに対して、あえて前述したようなものではない不適切な行為がなされたかもしれない。しかし、違法な行為に対して我々は適切に行動する。だから、何人かの将校に対して、彼らの管理責任に対して我々は対応をとった。あなたは70万人がバングラデシュ側に逃げた、と聞いてきた。それは、彼らが言う人数だ。我々は、不法移民の数を集計したリストを持っている。このリストを分類すると、ミャンマーから逃げた人々が答えとして出てくる。この点に関しては、この人数には様々な理由から、バングラデシュへ逃げた人、海を通じて南に渡った人、他の地域に行った人などが含まれる。だから、数字は間違いだ、と言えるだろう。さらに、70万人すべてが確かにミャンマーの国民だった、とは言えない。我々はまだそういった人々を調べられていない。我々は調べる義務がある。彼らを調査した後に帰還を受け入れると我々は言ってきた。そういった人々は当時、同情を得るために逃げた理由を述べたのだろう。私たちは幸せだからバングラデシュに来ましたとは誰も言わないだろう。それは確かだ。彼らは苦しい拷問について語るだろう。バングラデシュに来た理由は、数々の問題や惨状に直面しているから、と彼らは言うだろう。彼らの答えによって、その情報は報道機関や研究者らにもたらされた。行政機関の責任者、閣僚、地方の首席大臣、軍、治安部隊は、彼らにバングラデシュ側に行かないようお願いした。彼らはミャンマーで暮らすよう促された。しかし、彼らはそれに従わなかった。彼らは、逃げることが何か、確かにわかっていた。彼らは恐怖もなく、規律正しい状態でバングラデシュ側に行った。彼らは心配を抱かず逃げていった。しかし、何かしらの心配を理由に彼らが行った可能性もある。ところが、当時、我々は最善の治安状況をもたらしていた。このため、彼らは重大な圧力下にあった可能性があった、と我々はみるようになった。どのような圧力だったか? バングラデシュ側で彼らの親戚に面会することが理由のひとつになるだろう。もうひとつは、恐怖に直面した際の行動。次が、一つの場所から別の場所への移動。便利な場所を探すことは人間の自然な姿だ。だから、彼らは便利な場所を求めようとしたのだろう。彼らはミャンマーでは生活することができなかった。我々は一度も、彼らが彼らの居住地で生計を立てていたことに口を出さなかった。法律に基づく調査のあと、我々がミャンマーの土着民族や市民の権利を彼らに与えるだろう。我々には何の問題もない。これはイスラム教徒の話だ。ミャンマーの人口のうち約4~5%はイスラム教徒だ。彼らはイスラム教を信仰している。国中にイスラム教徒がいる。我々はまだ彼らを調査していない。我々が彼らを調査したあと、彼らに値するある程度の権利を許可しなければならない。この点に関して、いくつかの理由で我々は批判された。たとえば、ICCは民族浄化だと我々を非難した。我々、ミャンマーはICCのメンバーではない。我々は、ICCに関連する何ものにも従う必要はない。我々は我々の国家主権を注視しなければならない。法に従って我々にものを言わなければならないということだ。我々はすべてのことを法にのっとって実行している。あなたは、法に基づかない我々の行為について指摘するだろう。そうでなければ、それは良くないことだろう。だから、我々は彼らの見方と我々の見方を説明するだろう。一国の法律がその国を支配しなければならない。他国の法律が我々の法律を踏みにじる、ということはありえない。我々の主権は我々のものだ。どのような国でもそれは受け入れない。我々はICCのメンバーではないのだから、ICCの原則に縛られるいかなる理由もない。だが、それらを守るべき理由がないのに、我々はそのことに目を向けることはないというわけではない。もし国際社会が受け入れることができるか、もしくは我が国が受けいれることができる状況であれば、我々はそれに従おう。もし、状況が我々の好ましいものではないのであれば、それに従うことは不可能だ。もう一つ、指摘しておきたい。国際条約や約束に署名していないのに、それに従っている国がいくつかある。いくつかの点で彼らにとって好ましいのであれば、彼らはそれに従う。自分たちの国にとって好ましくないことに、それらの国は従わない。署名しているのか否か、ということは関係がない。これは注目点だ。これらの国々はすべての事項を受け入れられないから署名をしない。世界には、いくつかの点については受け入れることができるので従う、という多くの国々がある。
――難民が「レイプされた」「(家族が)殺された」といったような訴えを続けています。こうした問題のもと、国際社会は軍や政府を批判しています。あなたは、すべての証言がウソや虚偽と思いますか? 将来、こういった難民をミャンマーで再び受け入れられますか?
――国際社会は軍が2017年に主導した調査に疑いを持っています。調査後、インディン村の問題が明らかになりました。あなたはどのように、軍による大量殺害は北ラカイン州では起きなかった、と主張しますか? あなたはどのように、国際社会の信頼を得たり、国際社会と交渉したりしますか?
前述のとおり、インディン村の事件は確かに起きた。しかし、我々は同様の事件が他の場所で起きた、という証拠を持っていない。集団虐殺についての質問だが、彼らは治安部隊のキャンプを攻撃するためにやってきて、人々を騒乱に陥れた。戦闘が起きた時、負傷者がいた。しかし、我々は情報を同時に流した。これは隠せない。事件は雨期に起きた。8月と9月は雨期のピークだ。暗かった。あの年は雨が多かった。我々軍は調査を始めた。政府も調査をした。警察もだ。我々は情報を発信した。我々は正しい証拠に基づく正しい情報とわかったことを公開した。そのため、我々はそれ以上に言うべき言葉はない。我々はこのことについて話すことはない。国際的な研究グループや調査チームもここでさらなる調査をした。独立の調査チームもいる。あるチームは、フィリピンの元外務副大臣や日本の元大使が率いている。彼らは彼らの仕事を独立してやっている。我々は私たちが見いだしたことすべてを彼らに提供した。我々は多くの目撃証言を得た。そのうちの誰にでも話を聞ける、と私は言いたい。これは我々が地元で得た証拠だ。彼らはいつでもバングラデシュに行ける。もし彼らがバングラデシュに行けば、ベンガリは教わったとおりの話を彼らに話すだろう。ミャンマーでは、ミャンマー人は誰かに教わったようには話さない。我々は異なる時間と場所で彼らに尋ねた。おそらく、3千以上の証言がある。800ぐらいの文書化された証言がある。我々は絶対にウソをつけない。我々はすでにそういった調査結果を提供している。もし誰かが証拠が十分ではないと言ったら、我々はどう言えばいいのか? 独立の調査チームがいまここで動いている。彼らは2月末まで調査の時間がある、と私は聞いた。我々はできる限り彼らを手助けしている。国際社会の信頼を勝ち得ることについてだが、国際社会に求められた事実はバングラデシュ側で集められたものがもとになっている。我々は、我々の事実は我々が集めたものがもとになっている、と言っている。あなたは、合理性に基づいて決断しなければならない。彼らは一方的に批判してくる。それはまったく筋が通っていない。我々も、近隣諸国もそれを知っている。しかし、西側諸国はこれを繰り返し言っている。一例がある。イェバウチャ村出身の92人のヒンドゥー教徒が殺され、40体以上の遺体が回収された。残りの遺体は戻されていないが、彼らは本当に殺された。我々はすべての証拠を持っている。ヒンドゥー教徒の目撃証言もある。彼らはバングラデシュに逃げたのだ。我々は彼らに戻るよう呼びかけた。バングラデシュ側では、様々な方法で人権侵害されている女性たちがいる。我々が彼らに戻るよう呼びかけて尋ねたところ、そういった女性たちは彼女たちの目の前で夫や家族が殺された、と明らかにした。これに対する責任は誰にあるのか? 彼らは、ARSAと連携するベンガリのテロリストに攻撃されて殺された。殺された人たちは、ミャンマーに住むベンガリ―ヒンドゥーだった。このように、その地域にはラカインの人々とムロやカミ、ダインネットといったミャンマー国籍をもった民族がいた。彼らの多くもまた殺害された。我々はそれに対して何をするか? それでも、我々は殺される彼らを単に眺めて立っていなければならないのか? 彼らはそういったケースを暴露しようとしないのだろうか? 彼らは軍や治安部隊だけの非難を続けるのだろうか? 我々はこういうことを考慮しなければならない。
――最近、国軍は4カ月間の停戦という重大な決断をしました。なぜこのような決断に至ったのでしょうか? こうした決断にもかかわらず、いくつかのグループは合意することをいまだ拒否していますが、彼らをどのように信頼させ、交渉していくのでしょうか? あなたは中国政府からの何かしらの協力を期待していますか?
これは少し幅広いテーマだ。少数民族武装組織との平和構築から何年も経つ。1948年に独立してから、民族問題や異なった政治イデオロギーが発端となり、少数民族武装組織との間に紛争があった。当時は反ファシスト人民自由連盟(AFPFL)政権だった。革命協議会やビルマ社会主義計画党、軍事政権、そして新しい政権との間で和平協議は何年も続いてきた。いくつかは成功し、いくつかは失敗した。我々は軍事的な行動をとらなければならなくなり、彼らは国境地帯に逃げた。国内には少数民族武装組織は存在しない。彼らは国境地帯にしかいない。彼らのほとんどは、国内の北東、南東、北西の地域にいる。我々が和平協議をしている時、彼らは彼らの要求を議論した際に、攻撃が続く中で平和のために行動するのは難しいとわかった、と彼らは言った。和平協議に入るため、彼らは停戦を要求した。三つのグループによる北部同盟をつくった、と彼らは宣言をした。我々は三つのグループでは十分ではないと言った。いくつかのグループが全国停戦協定(NCA)にいまだ署名していないため、戦闘を理由に協議が開かれないなら、我々が停戦するだろうと言った。我々は、彼らが本当に平和を得たいのであれば、彼らは失敗せずに議論しなければならない、と我々は言った。民主主義に向けた我々の歩みは、人々に選ばれた道筋から逸脱することはできない。民主的に行うことが大事だ。いま、問題が生じている理由は、彼らがそのことに従わなかったからだ。そういったケースでは、状況を前進することは一切できなくなる。私が意味するところは、平和的な方法で議論しなければならない、ということだ。武器を手に政治的な対話をするべきではない。我々は和平協議に入らなければならない。我々は彼らにNCAに署名し、武装闘争の路線を終わらせるよう促した。政治的に議論する国会がある。このつながりから、あなたが最初に質問したように、これは憲法改正に関することなのだ。建設的な態度で政治的な対話をするために、我々は彼らと平和を構築するだろう。この時代に、武装闘争によるものは可能ではない。ミャンマーにいる民族グループは一つや二つではない。八つの主要なグループ、130の民族がいる。いくつかの民族はたった数千人でも、他には何万人もの、また数百万人という民族もある。いくつかの民族グループは分裂し、別々の場所に暮らし、異なったイデオロギーを持っている。ミャンマーでは、国内で特定の民族グループが特定の場所で暮らしている、というのはなく、いくつもの民族が国中に広がっている。人口規模は場所ごとに異なっている。だから、彼らと和平協議をもつためには、我々は様々な視点から考える必要がある。それぞれの民族グループは各自の視点があり、彼らの背景は異なっている。だから、我々は彼らと対話をするときにより一層の注意を要する。だから、私は停戦宣言にあたり、四つのルールを設けた。第一に、約束を守る。約束をしたもの、していないものがいる。どうであれ、平和を得たいと彼らが言うこと自体が彼らの約束と言える。そして、彼らはそのために関与をしていかなければならない。第二は、停戦で他者を出し抜くようなことはしないこと。彼らは全員、我々が停戦したとき、一度は悪行を働いた。我々は弱点を見つけた。彼らはお金を要求し、徴兵し、弱い者いじめをした。これらはすべて民族の人々の負担を生み出すことになった。彼らはそして、既存の法律を犯した。彼らは少数民族武装組織という理由で、彼らは既存の法律に従わなくてもいいと思い込んだ。殺人やレイプといった犯罪に彼らが関与したと思っても、彼らは処罰を受けないのか? だから、我々は彼らが法律に従うよう述べた。法律は人身売買、薬物取引、国家資源の密輸を禁じている。法律は尊重されなければならない。もしそういった法律違反があれば、我々は行動に起こさなければならない。だから、我々はそういった四つのルールを出した。しかし、何人かは言い訳をした。強調したいのは、和平に向けたとき、この国は平和的になるという希望と誠実さとともに働き、そしてよりよい国のために団結してともに働くことができるということだ。我々に他意はない。平和と安定があったときにだけ、我が国に成長が見られるだろう。和平協議に関する中国の支援について質問があった。中国は我々に多大な支援を与えてくれている。中国だけではなく、タイのような近隣諸国も援助してくれている。インドもそうだ。彼らは外交関係のために援助してくれている。彼らは近隣国だから、彼らの後背地が安全であることを求めている。だから、彼らは私たちを支援してくれている。中国国境に沿って大きな少数民族武装組織がいることは事実だ。そして、中国は我々の和平プロセスに向けて背中を押してくれている。そして、我々は、そのプロセスを進めている。中国だけではなく、タイ、インドとも協力している。
The following is the Q & A of the interview of Myanmar's Senior General Min Aung Hlaing,Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Armed Forces conducted on 14th February.
Q:My first question is about amending the Constitution. The National League for Democracy offered to form a committee for amending the Constitution very recently. Did you know about this proposal beforehand? Do you agree with amending the Constitution?
A:We have no advance knowledge about the formation of the committee for carrying out amendments. I have already mentioned the constitutional amendment time and again. Some of the constitutional provisions may be amended at a suitable time, and there are reasons to do so. We are in the process of holding peace negotiations with ethnic armed organizations. There are demands made by ethnic armed organizations in connection with ethnic peoples. So, we have found that some of the provisions in connection with those issues are amendable. In principle, we agree to the matter of constitutional amendment. I have already expressed this attitude since the term of the previous administration. We have never said no to the constitutional amendments. We accept that the Constitution needs amendments. Some of its provisions must be amended. We understand it. Chapter XII of the Constitution states the process in connection with the necessary amendments to be made at an appropriate time. I have made suggestions that it will be more appropriate if we follow the rules. In my view, it will be more effective. At the special session of the previous Peace Conference, I had discussed matters relating to the election of chief ministers and the assignment of governors. These are the matters that should be taken into account in the constitutional amendments. There were constitutional amendments during the term of the previous administration. Some schedules were also modified. Those activities show that the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces) has a positive attitude to the amendments. We can also reach a consensus for any amendment in the interest of the country through discussions. But the important point is that no amendment should harm the essence of the Constitution.
Q:Twenty―five percent of the parliament is now occupied by the Tatmadaw. At present, foreign family members cannot become president. Do you think this policy should be amended in the future?
A:In fact, this 25 percent is concerned with the reforms toward multi―party democracy. The country still lacks peace and stability in the area of politics and security. We are still overcoming a lot of hardships. We need a stable march to multi―party democracy. The parliamentary debates, administrative affairs, public involvement, actions of ethnic armed groups show that the country still needs a little more stability in the political and security sectors. Hence, the Tatmadaw has taken those seats as a measure to ensure national stability. The situation will change if every sector is secured. The first thing I would say is that we have never stuck to it. The second part of the question involves the matter in connection with foreigners. We were once a colonial country. We restored independence in 1948. The country suffered badly under the colonial rule. We made a lot of struggles to regain independence. We even took assistance from Japan. So we cannot give authority to foreigners to do harmful acts against the nation's independence and sovereignty. The power to shape the country must be in the hands of the Myanmar people. It must be in the hands of Myanmar citizens and Myanmar ethnics. So this provision was adopted in accord with the historical demand. It does not intend any individual. Other countries may have their appropriate laws. But some may be different. As for our country it is the most appropriate way. So this is our abiding policy.
Q:Regarding the Rakhine issue, the international community, especially the U.N., is harshly criticizing you, the army and the government due to the persecution of the Muslim people. Actually, over 700,000 people living in this country fled to Bangladesh. What kinds of feelings do you have for the refugees? The ICC, the International Criminal Court, is reportedly preparing to prosecute you and the other military officers. What do you think of the international community's opinion?
A:We need to know the historical truth if we talk about the events of Buthidaung and Maungtaw in Rakhine State. They (Muslim people living there) are not Myanmar nationals. A point of the truth is that they are not included in Myanmar nationalities. They are just migrants living in Myanmar. As for me or the Tatmadaw or the country, there is the duty to protect the citizens and people residing in the country. There is the duty to protect the national ethnics. In fact, the event that was criticized by others occurred in 2017. But it has roots in history. For example, nearly 20,000 ethnic Rakhines were killed in the Alethankyaw crisis in 1942. All the survivors had to flee from Buthidaung and Maungtaw. It is one of the true events of history. Starting from the colonial period to this date, many such events occurred. I can confirm that crises broke out in 2012, 2016 and 2017. Native people are the minority in the area. There are also Bengalis in the area. We call them Bengalis because they came from the place once called the Bengal region. There were many cases in which Bengalis bullied or killed the natives. They launched violent armed attacks against police outposts. Many natives were killed. There were many attacks against the security personnel in the region. So, we could not stand idly by while our security personnel and our nationals were being attacked. We will have to protect them in any way. The first thing is to protect them. We have no alternative. We need to hit them back, and it is the nature of security duty. In the 2017 issue, people numbering from 400/500 to nearly 1000 attacked security posts which had only 20 to 25 personnel. It was terrible that they also attacked villages. We had already explained the whole event. Investigation has also revealed the truth. We met with the events and showed evidence of incidents. There were acts of self―defense. If we did not defend or prevent their attacks, our nationals would die. So also security troops there would die. It was impossible to accept their attacks without any reactions. So, we must do counter actions. I think it was said that massive Bengalis committed attacks. We have documentary videos related to participation of the ARSA, the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, behind them. It shows they held arms and weapons such as sticks, swords, homemade grenades and guns. So, all these arms can be used to kill humans. You understand we could not accept their attacks with the use of these arms like that. In response, some actions may be done against them not to dare committing the aforesaid acts. But, if it breaks the law, we take action against them. So, action was taken against some officials for their weaknesses of controlling. Then, you asked me if some 700000 persons fled away to the other side. It was the figure they said. We have the list collected for illegal residents. The list of those who remain there was collected. If we differentiate these lists, the answer will be those who fled from Myanmar. In this regard, the number of those who fled away may include those who fled to Bangladesh, those who fled away downstream along the maritime route and those heading to other regions from there due to various reasons. So I would say that figure is wrong. Moreover, it cannot say surely all about 700000 persons were citizens from Myanmar. We cannot scrutinize those persons yet. We have responsibility for scrutinizing them. So, we have said that we would accept them after scrutiny. At that time, those persons would talk about the reasons of fleeing to get sympathy. Nobody would tell “we come to Bangladesh because we are happy there.“ It is sure. They may talk about suffering torture. They may say they come to Bangladesh due to facing troubles and plights. Depending on these answers, information was given to news agencies or observers. Furthermore, some persons crossed the border region. In the event, ministers responsible for the administrative bodies, the Union minister, the local chief minister, and the Tatmadaw and security officials fended them off not to go away. They were urged to live in Myanmar. But they did not follow it. They said they were sure to go away. They went there in a good manner without fear. They fled away without worries. But it was possible they went there due to some worries. However, we found the possibilities that they have heavy pressure because they went away at a time even when we created the best situation of security measures. What pressure is it? It would be one of the reasons to meet with their relatives there. One more would be an act of facing fear. The next one would be moving one place to another. It is a human nature to search convenient places. So they may try to seek better places. They may miss chances of livelihoods in Myanmar. We never say they do their livelihoods in their residences. After scrutinizing them under the law, we would give the rights of ethnics or citizens to them. We have no problem. It is talking about Muslims. About 4 to 5 percent of the total population is Muslims in Myanmar. They believe in Islamism. There are Muslims across the country. We have not scrutinized them yet. In situations when we have scrutinized them, we have to give rights to them to some degree they deserve. In this regard, we were accused of various reasons. For example, the ICC accused us of committing ethnic cleansing. We, Myanmar, is not a member of the ICC. We do not need to follow anything related to the ICC. It may talk about anything as it likes. We must focus on sovereignty of our country. I mean tell something to us under the law. We are doing everything under the law. You may point out things we don't implement under the law. If not, it will not be good. So, we will explain their views and ours. The law of a country must cover the country. It is impossible that the law from other country can override ours. Our sovereignty is ours. Any country does not accept it. So, we don't have reason for abiding by the disciplines of the ICC as we are not member of the ICC. However, we don't turn a blind eye to it with no reason of following it. If it is a situation the international community can accept or the situation we can accept, we will abide by it. If the situation is not preferable to us, it will be impossible to follow it. I would like to point out one more. Some countries don't sign international treaties or pacts but they abide by them. If the points are preferable with their countries, they adhere to them. Some countries don't follow things which are not preferable with their countries. It doesn't depend on signing or not. It is one of the notable points. They don't sign it because their countries cannot accept all the facts. There are many examples across the world that many countries adhere to some points of they can accept even if they cannot accept all things. You may see them.
Q:Some refugees are insisting that they were raped and they were killed or something like that. Based on that issue, the international communities are criticizing the army and the government. Do you think all their testimonies are fake or false? Can you accept those refugees to return to Myanmar in the future?
A:The first thing I want to say is their confessions. Their confessions highlighted they were raped. Many numbers of them were raped. Another one is that many numbers of them were pregnant. In line with Myanmar culture and Buddhism, those who believe Buddhism and who have faiths related to Buddhism don't accept rape cases. It is regarded that such an act is very bad in human culture. It is not acceptable. Security forces were accused of rapes. In fact, those of security forces are not naughty. We all are under discipline. So, it is very impossible to commit rape. However, some rape cases may happen in line with the example like a Myanmar saying, goes: alms of Buddhist monks are mixed with waste of mice. One or two members may commit such cases. I did not use the word “absolute.“ For example, beating or rape may happen. However, show evidence to us. We will take action. Otherwise, it will be bad to say something to discredit us. I would like to note one more point about various kinds of confessions. Many persons said it. When some organizations did interviews in Bangladesh, they faced differences of confessions in a single subject during their trips. Another one is that they told the same things in every place. Those persons told some things here and there. It means they were taught and trained. They told things they were taught. Furthermore, the subject they told in interviews differed between the first time and the second time. So it can be seen they did not actually feel it in their minds. In fact, they told the subject they have been told. As a result, we know it was totally untrue. When we scrutinize them, we saw the same things in Myanmar. Those of the inspection team from the Tatmadaw, those of the civilian inspection team and those from relevant embassies noticed it. So also, media noticed it. A single event people told in Bangladesh was different in many places. But they told such an event in the same voice at another place. At interviews, we heard the voice of a person behind the front line of interviewees advise another one to tell how to say something. So I would like to surely say that their confessions cannot be firmly true. With regard to their return to home, we have plans to accept them to come back home. We have said that if they can show evidence of residing in Myanmar, we will accept them. But they must be willing. We cannot accept offenders of laws. We have many agreement details. We didn't say a word mentioning “no" to them. We are accepting them now. Since Jan. 2018, we have told them we are ready. I can't remember the exact date. I'm not sure if it is Jan. 23 or Feb. 23. We said our country was ready. But they gave every reason and they didn't come. The plan failed after they said they would come. I said they must come here in a disciplined manner. We would accept them systematically. Our relevant organizations and officials would prepare security for them. There are forms to be filled up under the bilateral agreement. But incomplete forms were returned. If they are willing to return, there are Bengali―Hindus and Hindu―Bengalis, not Bengali―Muslims or Islamists. Some Bengalis worship Hindu and some Islamism. Hindus said they wanted to return. But they were not allowed. It does bring to question: Why? These are the points we need to consider.
Q:The international communities have suspects in the investigation that the army conducted in 2017. After the investigation, the Inndim village incident has been revealed. How do you claim that Myanmar army members had nothing to do with massacres that occurred in northern Rakhine? How do you convince and how do you negotiate with the international community?
A:As I have said earlier, the Inndim incident did occur. But we have no evidence that similar incidents occurred in other places. Asked about genocide, they came to attack security camps and disturb the people. When fighting occurred, there were casualties. But we released information at the same time. This cannot be hidden. The incident happened in the rainy season. It reached the peak of rain in August and September. It was dark. In that year, there was a lot of rainfall. Our Tatmadaw launched an investigation. The government also did it. So did the police. We released information. We only released correct information and findings based on correct evidence. For that, we have no more words to say. We have nothing to say about this. International study groups and investigation teams are also here to investigate further. There are independent investigation teams. One team is led by the former deputy secretary of foreign affairs of the Philippines and a former Japanese ambassador. They are doing their jobs independently. We give them all our findings. We have many witnesses. I want to say that you can ask any of them. This is our local evidence. They can go to the Bangladesh side, wherever they like. If they go there, Bengali would tell them what they are taught. Myanmar people do not say as they are taught by somebody. We asked them here at different times and places. I think we have over 3000 witnesses. There are about 800 written records from witnesses. We cannot lie at all. We have already given those findings. How can we say if somebody says the evidence is not enough? The independent investigation team is now working here. I heard that they have time for investigation until the end of February. We help them as much as we can. Talking about winning the trust of the international community, the facts acquired by the international community are based on those collected from the other side. We are saying about our facts based on those we collected. You should decide based on rationality. You cannot say unilaterally. They are making unilateral accusations. We know it is not reasonable at all. We as well as our neighboring countries know that. But Western countries say about this repeatedly. There is one example. Ninety―two Hindus from Yebaukkya Village were killed and over forty bodies were retrieved. The remaining bodies were not recovered. They were really killed. We have all the evidence. We have Hindu witnesses. They fled to Bangladesh. We tried to call them back. Over there, there are women whose human rights are being violated in various ways. When we called them back and asked them, those women revealed that their husbands and family members were killed before their eyes. Who will take the responsibility for that? They were attacked and murdered by Bengali terrorists in collaboration with the ARSA. Those killed were Bengali―Hindus living in Myanmar. Likewise, the region has Rakhine people and other national ethnics such as Mro, Khami and Daingnet. A lot of them were also killed. What will we do for that? Do we have to stand still just looking at those people being killed? Won't they try to expose such cases? Will they continue to accuse our troops and security forces only? We have to consider these things.
Q:Recently, the army made the significant decisions to have a ceasefire for four months. To make some ethnic groups sign the peace agreement, why did you make this decision? Despite this decision, some ethnic groups are still refusing to sign the agreement. How can you negotiate and convince them to join the agreement? Do you expect something from the Chinese government as well?
A:This is a bit wide subject. It has been many years since we made peace with ethnic armed groups. Since 1948 when the independence was regained, there have been conflicts among ethnic armed groups stemming from ethnic affairs and different political ideologies. It was under the AFPFL government. Peace talks did exist in successive years such as the Revolutionary Council, Myanmar Socialist Program Party, the military government and the new government. Some were successful and some failed. We had to act militarily so they fled to the border areas. There is no ethnic armed group inside the country. They are only in border areas. Most of them are in northeastern, southeastern and northwestern parts of the country. When we discussed peace talks, they said they found it difficult to do peace as fighting was ongoing during talking about their demands. They demanded to stop fighting to enter discussions. For the first time, the three parties from the Northern Alliance made their announcement after forming that alliance. We said these three groups were not enough. As some groups have yet to sign the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord, we said we would make a ceasefire if talks could not be held due to fighting. We said they must discuss without fail if they really want peace. Our road to democracy cannot deviate from this course, which is chosen by the people. It is important to do democratically. Problems now arise because they do not follow it. In that case, the situation cannot improve at all. I mean we have to discuss in a peaceful way. Arms should not be held if want to hold political talks. We must enter peace talks. We urged them to sign the NCA and end the armed struggle strategy. There is a parliament to discuss politically. In this connection, as you have first questioned me, it is related to the constitutional amendment. We will make peace with them for entering political dialogue with constructive attitude. The armed struggle strategy is not possible at all in this age. There are not just one or two ethnic groups here in Myanmar. There are eight major ethnic groups, and over 130 tribes. Some tribes are only a few thousands but some are tens of thousands, and some are millions. Some ethnic groups are divided, and they live in different places and have different ideologies. In Myanmar, it is not that a particular ethnic group only lives in a particular part of the country, but ethnicities spread across the country. It is just that their population varies in size from place to place. So, we need to think from various perspectives in order to hold peace talks with them. Each ethnic group has their own perspective, and their backgrounds are also different. So, we have to exercise extra caution in holding talks with them. So, I set out four rules in our ceasefire declaration. The first rule is to keep the promise. Some have made promises, but some haven't. Anyway, that they say they want to achieve peace is their commitment. And they should meet that commitment. The second rule is not to take advantage [of the ceasefire]. They did all wrongdoings once we ceased fire. We found weak points. They extort money, conscript and bully, all of which create burden on ethnic people. And they break the existing laws. They assume they don't need to abide by existing laws because they are ethnic armed groups. Suppose they commit crimes like murder or rape, and they don't get punished? So, we told them to abide by laws. The law prohibits trafficking of humans, drug dealings, and smuggling of country's resources. The law must be respected. We must take action if those laws are violated. So, we issue those four rules. But then, some give excuses. I'd like to stress that when we work for peace, we work with honesty with the hope that the country can be peaceful, and all in the country can work together with unity for the betterment of the country. We have no other intention. Only when there is peace and stability, the country will see development. You've asked me about China's assistance [in Myanmar's peace process]. China is giving a great deal of help to us. Not only China, but our neighbors, for example, Thailand is also providing help. And so is India. They are helping us for the sake of diplomatic relations. As they are our neighbors, they want that their backs are safe. So, they are providing help to us. It is true that major [ethnic] forces are based along the China border. And China is pushing a lot for our peace process. And we are keeping the process going. Not only with China alone, but we are also cooperating with Thailand and India.
Q:What do you think of the NLD government and the State Counsellor's policy and the initiatives in the current government?
A:You are asking me about my personal opinion on her policies. Normally, I should not answer this question. But my opinion is that the NLD government came to power as it was elected by the people. People elected it based on its promises. Whether they can fulfill their promises or not depend on their performance. Regarding the actions of the State Counsellor, people can see what she is doing. And people can judge. I'd say that people need to do what they feel they should. They have to work for self―improvement. Everyone has the responsibility to work for his own improvement as well as for the betterment of his community and region. In my opinion, it would be better to work with the upbeat attitude rather than play the blame game. But, the leader and the leading body are more important. In our Tatmadaw, I am the key person, and there are commanders who provide leadership under me. They all work correctly. But, if they don't, our institution will be faced with problems and difficulties. It is more complicated in the case of a country. The fewer there are mistakes, the better. The country will be faced with losses if there are many mistakes. And people should be aware of this fact, and take consideration, and exercise caution. This is how I view it. Not everything can be perfect. According to human nature, it is very rare that people have complete agreement. There are disagreements, and we have to work to reach as broad agreement as possible. As Tatmadaw is an armed organization, we say bluntly that rules must be followed. But, we make sure those rules are acceptable. We can't force them to obey the rules. There must be discipline. And it needs to be gentler [in imposing rules] for citizens. No two individuals have the completely same views. So, there is a need to coordinate between different views in order to enact laws so that resultant conflicts can be controlled. This is the purpose of the law. If someone goes against the law, it will provoke outrage. If we act in line with law and rules, our actions won't unacceptable. We have to exercise great caution in that regard.
Q:My last question is about the relationship with Japan. What do you expect regarding the cooperation with the Japanese government in the future?
Senior General:Japan had risen from the ashes of war and become a big power. Regarding Japan's assistance for development of Myanmar, Japan is responsible in giving war reparations to Myanmar.Japan is a responsible country. And it has provided a great deal of assistance for the development of Myanmar. Speaking of the situation in Myanmar, I'd like to urge Japan and Japanese people to continue their support for peace and stability and political stability in Myanmar. Secondly, ethnic groups in Myanmar say that there are disparities between regions. They say their regions are not developed, but areas in Central Myanmar are developing. We can't undertake development works there due to armed conflicts. What is built today is destroyed in the following days. And we can only move forward through negotiations. So, if possible, I'd like to request the Japan government to fill the gap and improve the education, health and transportation in ethnic areas. And thirdly, I'd also like to request Japanese investors to invest in the labor―intensive manufacturing industry. I wish there were job opportunities and production. We don't have money due to the lack of job opportunities. So, I'd like to request Japan to invest in manufacturing industry that would create large numbers of jobs. And fourthly, I'd like to request Japanese people to come and see Myanmar. Come and see the reality of Myanmar, and make their own judgment. Seeing is believing. So, I'd like them to come and see. It would be better if Japanese people see the developments in Myanmar with their own eyes.
A: Thank you.